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Abbood Abbas

Abbood Abbas

Baqubah General Hospital, Ministry of Health,


Abbood Abbas Abbood is a specialist Medical Physics specializing in radiation oncology and master's degree in radiotherapy. In this field he have years of experience. He study about (Radiation therapy perhaps for the treatment of covid-19) was chosen from Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to accelerate diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics for this novel coronavirus by WHO. He got his BSc degree in the specialty of Physics/Medical Physics in specialist radiation oncology from the University of Diyala, Iraq. Later on, he got an MSc degree in the specialty of Medical Physics/Radiation therapy from the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (ISEI BSU), Belarusian. In terms of publication, He have more ten research papers had published in different scientific journals. For conferences and workshops, He have more than 25 certificates for conferences, seminars, and workshops.

Research Interest

Medical physics, radiation oncology, planning radiation therapy, medical imaging, Viruses with radiation for treatment and diagnosis.